
Here you will find our gender studies related publications. All books are available for purchase either through their respective publishers or by contacting us.

Anna Kérchy’s new monograph is out and bears an intriguing title: A nő nyelvet ölt: Feminista narratológia, esztétikai és testelméleti tanulmányok [She Sticks Out Her Tongue: Papers in Feminist Narratology, Aesthetics and Body Studies] (Szeged: JATEPress, 2018).

Book presentation soon to be announced.

We are proud to announce Anna Kérchy’s monograph Alice in Transmedia Wonderland: Curiouser and Curiouser New Forms of a Children’s Classic (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2016) (ISBN-13:978-1476666686, pp. 268).

Winner of the HUSSE Senior Book Award for 2016.

Annus, Irén ed. 2015. European Encounters: Language, Culture and Identity. Szeged: University Press of Szeged. (ISBN 978-963-315-266-9)

This volume is a collection of studies that analyze cultural encounters in Europe form multidisciplinary perspectives. The chapters demonstrate the power of linguistic, literary, tourist and migrant experiences in both shaping personal identities and transforming broader cultural understandings of the world around us. The volume successfully maps specific areas and mechanisms through which the mobility of people as well as the travel of concepts, world views and practices may effectively further the development of more tolerant and collaborative communities and realities.

Nárczis Fejes & Andrea P. Balogh eds. 2013. Queer Visibility in Post-socialist Cultures. Bristol and Chicago: Intellect. (ISBN-10: 1841506303 / ISBN-13: 978-1841506302, pp. 272)

The volume explores the public construction of gay, lesbian, and queer identities, as well as ways of thinking about sexuality and gender, in post-socialist cultures across the European region formerly known as the Eastern bloc. The volume is originally part of the “Media Globalization and Post-Communist European Identities” course in which Andrea P. Balogh participated in 2007 at CEU (Budapest).

Anna Zsófia Tóth. 2011. Merry Murderers: The Farcical (Re)Figuration of the Femme Fatale in Maurine Dallas Watkins’ Chicago (1927) and Its Various Adaptations (New Castle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing).


Barát Erzsébet & Sándor Klára eds. 2009. A nő és a nő/i/esség sztereotípiái (Nyelv, ideológia, média, vol. 2.) Szeged: Könyvtártudományi Tanszék, SZTE.

Barát Erzsébet & Sándor Klára eds. 2007. A nő helye a magyar nyelvhasználatban (Nyelv, ideológia, média, vol. 1). Szeged: JATEPress.

Barát, Erzsébet ed. 2005. Spaces in Transition (Papers in English & American Studies XII). Szeged: JATEPress.