Here you will find information about our MA specialization, the list of our MA and Doctoral Students with their MA theses and PhD dissertation projects, along with application information.
Critical and interdisciplinary in approach, the specialization Gender through Literatures and Cultures in English in the Bologna English Studies MA Program was launched in September 2009. It seeks to address many of the current social, cultural and professional issues from the perspective of gender and sexuality. It is run by a multidisciplinary faculty with a profile of teaching and research that covers literary criticism, popular cultural studies, media studies, discourse analysis and lavender linguistics. Our courses explore the experiences of women and men and probe the explanatory power of concepts of gender and sexuality as developed within various feminist approaches. The programme provides students with essential knowledge of the intersection of cultural representations and social structures and political power in the US, UK and Irish contexts. We also seek knowledge of post state socialist gender and sexuality relations in Hungary, probing the limits and potentials of travelling concepts in the transnational flows of feminist knowledge production. Our students will understand how beliefs and assumptions about women and men, about sex and sexualities shape social institutions and activities and vice versa as well as how they are necessarily inflected with other dimensions of our daily existence, such as race, class or ability. They can also have the opportunity and continue their gender studies research in the two PhD programmes in the Institute of English and American Studies in the field of literature and cultural studies or in English applied linguistics. We also hope to prepare our graduates for careers and jobs offered by various government institutions of equal opportunity on local and regional level, by local and transnational civil organizations such as NANE or Amnesty International, or jobs in the media and electronic journalism, museums and art galleries that support alternative cultural performances and enterprises.
Why don’t you come and join us?
Whether you are a current or prospective student, one of our alumni, or an interested visitor, we invite you to visit our website. We appreciate your curiosity and interest. And if you are into social networking, you are welcome to join us at Facebook.
Best regards,
Erzsébet Barát
Convener of the Programme
MA Students
Here you will find the names of our current MA students with their research title:
- Szokolyai Dóra: Heteronormative Romance Tropes in Jeantte Winterson’s Ouvre
- Fekecs Liliána: LGBTQ Representations in Contemporary Cinema
- Sudha Kandavelu: Abjection and Rape in Postcolonial India: Intersection of Gender, Caste and Religion
- Muhel Tamara: Engendering the unreliable narrator in E. A. Poe’s short stories
- Erdélyi Csilla: Contemporary Pop Culture from Gender Perspective
- Fehér Márta: Gender, Sexuality and Disloyalty in Intimate Relationships
- Nesrine Bouhlel: Gender and Language Ideology: The Perception of Women and Slang in Tunesia
If you wish to find out about our alumni we are genuinely proud of, please download this FILE listing all graduates with GLASS specialization in the former five-year MA in English and, since 2011, with the Gender through Literatures and Cultures in English specialization in the two-year Bologna type MA in English Studies.
Current PhD Students
Name: Chelloul, Aya
Research areas: literary rrepresentation of gender roles in the MENA region
Name: Dán, Petra
Research areas: women in Mormonism, Mormon feminism, gender studies, religious studies
Name: Osoliova, Viktória
Research areas: female gothic, corporeal narratology, feminist hauntology
Name: Amira Rihab Saidi
Research areas: masculinity studies, masculinity in crisis, representation of villains in 21st-century American films
Name: Szarvas, Réka
Research areas: women’s writing, crime fiction, (feminist) metafiction, violence in literature, corporeality, literary representation of female madness
Visiting PhD Students:
Joie Meier is a Fulbright student researcher grantee in the academic year of 2021/2022. She received her MA from SUNY Stony Brook in 2018. Now she is a PhD student at Indiana University in the Russian and East European Studies Institute. For the duration of her grant, she is spending her time between CEU, Budapest and TNT, University of Szeged, where she is doing fieldwork, researching conservative Hungarian women who are politically active in conservative political movements. Her dissertation is a comparative project between the United States and Hungary, which will examine women’s involvement in conservative political activist groups. It will also look at how internal geography (i.e. rural versus urban location) impacts women’s motivations to join these organizations
Our former visiting PhD Students were:
Name: Yasemen Özfindik
Year: 2009/2010
Contact: email | webpage
Research areas: Restoration drama, feminist media studies, pornography and eroticism in English literature, postcolonial female identity
Name: Anna Mago Maghiar
Year: 2010/2011
Contact: email | webpage
Research areas: Feminist media studies, cultural studies, porn studies, symbolic geography and discourse analysis
Course Offers for Spring 2024
For details about the current courses check out the syllabus for the BA, MA and/or the PhD program on the Institute’s Document Page (Syllabus). Please, make sure to double check the times and venues in Neptun.
BA courses
Slavery and Social Injustice in African American literature, seminar
Kovács Ágnes Zsófia
Wednesday 8-10 | Room III
Detecting the Body, seminar
Szarvas Réka
Tuesday 18-20 | Room III
Female, Feminine, Feminist in Disney and Pixar Animations, seminar
Zsófia Anna Tóth
Thursday 16:00-18:00 | Room 3446-47 in Ady Bldg
MA courses
Race/Ethnicity, Class and Gender, lecture
Annus Irén
Wednesday 8-10 | Room 3302
Bodies (Re)Presented, seminar
Annus Irén
Tuesday 8-10 | Institute Meeting Room
Subjectivity and the Gendered Body, lecture
Kérchy Anna
Tuesday 10-12 / Room III
Introduction to Gender Studies, lecture
Larisa Kocic-Zámbó
Wednesday 16-18 | Room VIII.
Explorations into the Worlds of Contemporary British Historical Novel & Climate Fiction, seminar
Lívia Szélpál
Friday 10-11:30 | Room X
MA Structure & Application
The structure of the MA Porgramme (120 credit):
1. Foundation courses: 5 courses
Theories of Histories of Culture and Literature (3); Theories of British and American Literature and Culture (4); Approaches to English Linguistics (5); The Social Uses of Language (4); Research Methods in the Information Society (4)
2. Orientation to the 3 Concentrations: 3 courses
The Multimediality of Culture (3); The Interdisciplinary Concept of Discourse (3); Gendering Theory / Theories of Gender (3).
3. Gender Studies Concentration: 10 courses
Five out of the ten courses are mandatory lectures and three of them are seminars students can select in accordance with their MA thesis research. In addition there are two compulsory seminars: Thesis Writing Seminar and Advanced Research Methods (5).
The five mandatory lectures are:
Introduction to Gender Studies (5); Gender, Race, Class (5); Subjectivity and the Female Body (5); Feminist Literary Criticism (5); Women’s Life Writing (5).
Some of the gender-related seminars are:
The Female Grotesque: Risk, Excess and (Post)modernity; Reading and Theorizing the Female Gothic; Gender and Society; Debates of Feminist Scholarship: The Gender Perspective; Gender and Poetry: 20th c. Western Women’s Tradition; Gender and Modern Comedy; Language and Gender; Challenging Gaze in Popular Culture; Feminism and Masculinity; Gender and the Victorian Social Landscape in the US; American Women, Painting and Painted, in the 19th Century
4. Electives: 4 courses
One of the four courses must be related to the thesis (offered by the three Concentrations in the English Studies MA programme or in the American Studies MA programme) and two could be any courses cross-listed from other MA programme in the University provide they are in English.
Why apply?
All students admitted to the MA in English Studies program are welcome to apply for Gender Through Literatures and Cultures in English. We especially encourage students who would like to produce relevant knowledge on women’s life and who are, therefore, interested in interdisciplinary and critical feminist research in areas such as popular culture, sexuality studies, literary representation of women, theories of identity and identity politics, autobiography studies, the intersection of gender and sexuality with different social totalities, such as nationally, race, and class.
Application to the Gender Studies Concentration in the MA program:
There are no additional individual criteria established for admission to the Gender Through Literatures and Cultures in English Track in the MA degree program. Any student admitted to the MA in English Studies program is expected to choose a Track for their specialization by the end of the first semester the latest, on completion of the course Gendering Theory, Theories of Gender: A Historic Perspective. Students are requested to complete an official form and submit it to Erzsébet Barát, Convener of the program.
Eligibility requirements for MA in English Studies:
You will find the requirements for admission that represent the Institute’s general policies at the English Department’s website.
Contact person: Bocsor Péter.
Erasmus is an exchange program funded by the European Commission to enable students to study abroad, usually one semester, in any of the member states as part of their degree program. Students may choose their host institute based on a list advertised, and are allowed to plan their study programs at the host university based on their individual interests and needs.
For student exchange possibilities offered by the Institute of English & American Studies click HERE.
Universities with a component in Gender Studies include:
- Masaryková University of Brno (Masaryková Univerzita v Brně), Czech Republic
- University of Huelva (Universidad Huelva), Spain
- University of Turku, Finland
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Kellner Foundation
Contact persons: Dr. Annus, Irén and Dr. Thomas Williams
The Kellner Foundation’s Scholarship Program is dedicated to supporting Hungarian university students who intend to play a leading role in the social, political or economic development of Hungary. The Scholarship provides the opportunity for Hungarian students to engage in the challenging academic and extracurricular life of a top-ranking U.S. liberal arts college for one academic year” (Mission statement). Students may select courses freely during their studies and all of their expenses are covered by the Kellner Foundation. For more information visit the Kellner Scholarship’s HOMEPAGE.